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Chapter 4: Why Do You Suit?

“Don’t forget your promise…” Clara lay on the bed, face pink and glistening from the right royal fucking she’d just gone through. Well, that Désirée had gone through. Her hair was tied up in a bun but several strands had come loose, stuck to her forehead and cheeks with sweat despite a brief attempt to blow them free.

I couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the sight. I was hoping to have a minute to rest before she woke, if not the rest of the night. But as it was, now I had to keep the polar bear head on for a little longer. “I haven’t forgotten anything.” I growled back mischievously. “Not full enough I take it?”


Clara writhed on the bed, moaning. “Not if you’ve got something to add…” I knew these word games could last for a while, but time would be my enemy here. I turned, leaning over my friend before firmly flipping her to be face down. “Ah!” The yelp was somewhat more subconscious than I think Clara intended, and was a mixture of surprise and lust as I took control. Désirée’s head had already come off, now for the rest of the suit. I hooked a finger through the zipper on her spine, and placed a rubber claw just above it against her skin. I slowly zipped it down; making it feel less like removing a costume and more like the claw was separating a second skin. She moaned lustily the entire distance.


Once the zipper was as far as it would go, I let go of the toggle and traced claws up Clara’s back to her shoulders, making subtle red marks against her skin in the process. Instead of moaning this time it was a long intake of air followed by a light whimper when I stopped. I then slid my fingers under the sleeves of her suit and slowly pushed down her arms. After a few inches I changed my grip, curling the silk-padded digits against her muscles and gently massaging them as I went. The resulting groan was guttural and heavy, my explorative fingers apparently doing their job well.


As I reached her wrists I had to maneuver in such a way as to begin sliding the detachable paws off without doing it the proper way. Inside were velcro straps that could be relatively easily accessed from outside the costume, but I was attempting to do it inside. I could tell Clara was about to ask if I needed help when my right index claw found the opening it needed and curled, separating the velcro in an almost visceral way. The woman beneath me shuddered, and again a second time as the left paw was removed the same way. Clara’s vocalisations were somewhere between whimpers and moans by the time my rubber claws traced their way up her arms and down to the small of  her back.


Hooking my fingers around the costume’s peeled waistline I gently tugged, breath held in awe of what was to come. I gently massaged Clara’s cheeks as I wiggled the fabric down them, her sweat making the material cling to her skin. The further I went the greater the realisation that she was completely naked under the suit. I was aroused already, but seeing her arse bounce free - uncovered, flushed and so very very soft - my member became rock-hard in an instant. We both sighed; her for the cool air breezing across her rear, me for the wonderful view. But I squinted my eyes closed, trying to get myself to concentrate on the task at hand.


Rubber claws playfully scratching at Clara’s skin descended upon her arse and thighs, drawing the fabric closer to her ankles as I continued to strip her on the hotel bed. Eventually I reached her feet, which I’d designed around a pair of slippers, so once I’d pulled the leg material past the heels, it just slid off.


And there before me, in all her glory was my good friend Clara. She lay chest down on the bed, head turned just enough so I could see the wicked twinkle in one eye and the curled corner of a mischievous grin. Her eyebrow raised as she slowly spread her legs, revealing the honeypot I’d been looking forward to. Overwulf’s pearlescent seed dripped from her glistening folds as her entrance was stretched open, the sensation causing her to close her eyes and utter an unintentional moan.


I was ready. I was more than ready. I had no idea how long I’d last given the unbelievably erotic display before me and all my teasing up until that point; after all, I get off the most by getting others off. And with legs spread invitingly, moaning for attention, I crept up the bed until my paws were either side of her bust, my knees planted just behind and inside hers so that as I slowly lay down my cock came to rest against her inviting pussy lips. My heart stopped as I opened my mouth, a low growl escaping before the words “Are you ready, my little cum slut?”


Whatever she was waiting for me to say, I don’t think she expected that. I felt her whole body shiver, a spasm that nearly pushed me off her. Apparently the combination of those words, hot breath on her cheek and the tickle of fur on her neck were enough to make Clara lose control of her body momentarily. I made a sizable mental note of that. “Fuck Dizzy, yes....” She eventually gasped, pushing her rear up to meet my hips.


I thought about teasing her, and I think she may have expected me to. But I wanted to see if I could make her shudder like that again. I sat back a little as she pushed up, just enough to feel like I was pulling away before ramming my hips forward.


The sensation of being well lubed and hilting your partner on the first thrust is invigorating. The knowledge that the lube is another guy's spunk made that seconds worth of sexual aggressiveness the most amazing thing I had ever felt. It’s incomparable. And Clara seemed to think the same as my hopes were fulfilled. “Fuh - Fuh -  Fuh…” she stammered, body shaking from the sensation. I remained as deep as possible until Clara’s shaking stopped and her breathing returned.


“That certainly didn’t feel like you were ready…” I teased, placing my claws on her shoulders, slowly but firmly scraping them down her back. She shuddered, not as powerfully as before but I could tell she was barely holding on. Taking a different tack I stroked down her back again, though a little lighter. “Did you enjoy watching Overwulf stuff Désirée with his bestial cock?” 


“Mmmmmmm…” she murmured while nodding, her true feelings lain bare.


“Did she let you feel what it was like to be filled up with his cum?” Clara’s nods were more emphatic, my growled questions wearing her down. “Was his cum enough?” I asked. After a few seconds there was a barely perceptible shake of the head. I grinned, scratching down her back again before leaning in to whisper “Do you need more, Clara?” 


“Uhn…” She shook again, the guttural response followed by a swallow, several short breaths and a tiny whispered “Yes…”


I sat back upright, claws raking down the red-lined back as Clara moaned whorishly. My cock throbbed inside her at the delicious sounds she was making, but I wanted to hear her tell me specifically that I had the go-ahead. “Such a soft voice. Louder!”


“Yes, Dizzy!” She moaned, almost whining. “I need your cum, I need every last drop!”


With those words warming the air I withdrew to the tip and slammed my cock home. Clara yelped at the sudden movement, but rocked back into each thrust as I set a steady pace. I pistoned into her with renewed vigour, the semi-exhausted state from the nights prior events almost completely forgotten as I set myself the goal of turning Clara into a mewling cum-filled mess. My clawed fingers made their way down her naked sides to rest on her hips, firmly grasping them to use as leverage.


“You’re… such… a… good… fuck…” I growled, voice staggered by my impatient thrusts. Clara moaned in response, her body slowly driven into the mattress as the force of my need outweighed her conscious ability to remain on all fours. She was getting close to passing out, I could tell, and if she did I had no control who’d be coming out. It was now or never. I slid a paw under her belly and prodded where I hoped her clit was with a claw. After a couple tries I’m pretty sure I found it as she straightened up, breathing deep. I thrust hard, burying myself before leaning over to whisper “Clara, my sexy little cum slut?”

“After a few seconds of ragged breathing she replied “Yes Dih.. Dih.. Dizzy?”


The moisture from my breath had condensed on the latex of my suit’s mouth, and as I ran the muzzle along her cheek she shivered from the slick touch. “Your pussy is coated in Overwulf’s cum.” I growled a little longer past the words “But I’m going to fill… you… up.” I was expecting a whimper, or a moan, or at the longest stretch some begging not to. Instead what Clara did shocked me.


She shifted her weight onto one hand, then with the other reached back to grab one of my paws, repositioning it to wrap around her neck. For a few seconds I knelt on the bed, my best friend beneath me, impaled on my cock as a bestial hand wrung her throat. I gulped, taking a deep breath to center myself. Then somewhere deep inside me I felt myself take control, as if some dormant part of my brain suddenly stepped in and said ‘Don’t worry, I got this.’


In most of my relationships I’d played the dominant one, though those had all been mostly tame. A vanilla Dom is really just someone telling someone else what to do under the sheets. But this was new territory. New, but wanted. And as I felt Clara’s breath quicken with the gentle squeezing of my middle finger and thumb, I knew it was not only wanted, but needed.


Taking one last breath and making sure I was stable enough to continue fucking her this way, I resumed my pace. I thrust faster, but the lack of one hand to hold her steady meant depth and force were lacking. However the tight grip on her throat was doing it’s job as her breathy moans increased in both frequency and volume. This was almost more than I could bear, and it was taking every ounce of my self control not to just cum then and there. 


But as much as this was for my benefit it was also for hers. And as I felt her body begin to shake I made my move. Grip tightening around Clara’s neck I pulled her up against my chest; the two of us kneeling on the bed but bodies upright. The paw that had been at her hips mashed down onto her clit as the other squeezed ever tighter around her neck. “Tomorrow I’m getting you a collar too. A nice... tight... one…” I growled into her ear, momentarily stopping her airflow before relaxing my grip. “So everyone will know…” I used my palm on her mound to push her hips down, sinking my tool deeper into her well lubricated pussy “you’re my cum whore.” 


I wasn’t sure if that word would be too much, but it had the desired effect. With a whimpered moan Clara came, and came hard. Her muscles contracted around me, rippling against my member as they tried spasmodically to milk me of my cum. “I-I’m”... She began, shuddering as she attempted to get through her sentence “Y-y-you’re… cuh-cuh-mmmmmm…” 


“Say it!” I growled


With what little willpower Clara had left she turned her head, lips an inch from where my ear was in costume and whispered “Whore.” I couldn’t have held back if I wanted to. Grip tightening around her throat and palm mashing her body against mine I released my load. I practically roared as I felt myself pulse into Clara’s still rippling insides, painting her with sticky ropes of my seed. Both of us frozen in the moment as we felt each other throbbing and twitching, breath slowly falling in tandem as I rested against her back, and she against my chest.


I don’t think I had ever cum in the volume I had at that moment. My balls ached, and my cock throbbed, both feeling used and abused after the night of sexual fantasies being realised. Slowly I pulled Clara off me, gently caressing her neck and shoulders as I lay her down on her bed, shuffled over a bit to avoid the wet spot. I stroked down her arm and sides as the other hand found the sheets, pulling them over her. “Good night Clara” I cheerfully growled. “Sleep well.” Before I could get off the bed a light snore wafted through the room.


Silently making my way through the room I picked up the parts of her suit and brought them back to my room. Despite what I’d just done, I didn’t want her younger aspects messing around with the more adult suit. It wouldn’t be right. I laid them out on a drying rack near the door to the ensuite and placed the parts of my suit beside them to give them some time to air. Then with a grin on my face, I crept under the covers and went to sleep.




It was ten past nine the next morning when I awoke, the faint sound of my phone’s alarm going crazy just barely audible from where it was; in my hand, under the pillow. Apparently my subconscious thought I needed the extra hour and ten’s worth of sleep. Groaning I mashed the ‘stop’ button before sliding out of bed. Stretching with a few audible pops from my joints, I shambled into the living room. Clara was not to be seen.


Sighing I made my way to the kitchenette, flicking on the kettle after filling it from the underpressured tap. On the counter was the schedule for the Convention’s activities at the Entertainment Center across the road. It was a perfect location for those staying at this hotel as the second floor had a skybridge that connected the two buildings; meaning one could get into their suit in their room and not have to worry about crossing a busy street with limited visibility.


I’d not realised the kettle had a whistle attachment to the lid until it was too late. Fumbling with the now hot toggle to turn it off, I heard movement from Clara's room. With the kettle off the boil, and two mugs retrieved from the cupboard, my dear friend swung her door open and stumbled into the small living area. At some point - probably only seconds earlier - she had donned a set of blue flannelette pyjamas. She stretched, the top lifting enough for me to see the cum-stained belly beneath before she relaxed into a contented smile. “Muh-nenn...” She mumbled, slumping down onto one of the stools surrounding the kitchenette.


I smiled back, nodding. “Tea?” She gave me the affirmative before resting her head on the cool surface. I pulled out a couple teabags and filled the mugs with the recently boiled water. “So, have a good sleep last night?” All I got was a contented humm. “Well, the opening speeches start in a little over an hour, so we got some time to wake up.” I peeled back the tiny lids of the complimentary milk packets before dumping two in each mug, along with a spoonful of sugar in mine. “After that… any thoughts?” I slid the schedule over to Clara.


Grunting she swiped her mug and downed almost half of its contents in one go before saying a silent prayer to the gods for the existence of tea. Or at least, that’s what it looked like. Bleary eyed and blinking, she tried to take in what was on the paper before fumbling around the counter for her glasses. I retrieved and handed them to her. “Fanks.” She muttered, taking another sip of tea. I chuckled before taking a few sips of mine.


“Some interesting panels at one and two.” I offered.


“Anthropomorphic influence in popular media?” She asked, me nodding in response. “And… Tribal Shamans to Nick Wilde; Drawing the Line. What’s that about?”


“From what I can tell,” I took another sip of tea “It’s a panel discussion involving an animator, a ‘furry’ historian, an anthropologist and…” I had a look at the list of panelists again “And furry scientist, all talking about ‘What is Furry’?” Clara still looked a little confused, though given how recently she woke up it wasn’t a surprise. “Basically, do we call ancient Egyptians furries because they worshipped animal-headed humanoid gods? Are fans of the Bugs Bunny cartoons furries? Are Shamans that dressed up like animals as part of rituals furries?”


“Ah.” Clara smiled, nodding sheepishly. “Got it.” she browsed down through the other panels, speeches and presentations. “OH! Can we do this one?” she pointed to the Disney’s Robin Hood screening at quarter-past four. Then she spotted the line ‘Booking Required’. “Do you think they still have tickets?”


“Nope.” I said. “Sold out almost immediately.” She slumped even further into her chair. “Which is why I had notifications on for their twitter account and bought us tickets as soon as they went up.” Clara was too tired to deal with the ambivalence of wanting to hit me for leading her on and wanting to hug me for thinking ahead. So instead she just took a deep breath, downed the last of her tea, smiled and muttered “Jerk…” before sulking off to the shower.


I loosed a victorious chuckle before cleaning up the mugs and getting my clothes organised. By the time Clara was done having her shower I was ready to go for mine. But before I could step in my phone buzzed. I picked it up, and saw a forum message from Overwulf. ‘Can I call you?’ I shrugged and sent him my number. A few seconds later the phone buzzed again. “Hey, sleep well?”


“Heh,” the gruff voice reverberated through the average connection “You know it. Look, I was wondering what you were up to today?”


I looked to the door leading to the living area, attempting to stare through it to the schedule beyond. “Couple panels I wanted to see. Was hoping to go to yours at three before taking Clara to Robin Hood after. What’s up?”


I heard a pensive breath on the other end “How do you feel about being on my panel?” I froze, not sure how to answer. Thankfully he saved me from the awkward silence by an astute observation. “Wait, are you on the toilet?”




“It sounds all echoey.” He chuckled.


“I was just about to take a shower, thank you very much.”


“So you’re naked then?...” He growled.


“OOH, he’s naked?” came a soft shout from the phone, Shaede adding her two cents as I shook my head smiling.


“Yes, I’m quite naked.” I said wryly. “But are you sure you want me on your panel?”


“As long as you’re not naked for it, it is a family event.” Over laughed, Shaede joining in. “But yeah. It’s a panel about amateur fursuit makers and BBD couldn’t make it.” I’d heard of Blue-Back Dragon, their suits exceptionally well designed but centered around the premise of using bargain bin materials and clothes to make them. “And seeing your suits last night, you’re one of the best candidates to fill her spot.”


I shrugged. “Sure, why not. What should I bring?”


“Will you two be suiting today?”


Clara and I had decided to spend the first day getting an idea of the place, the layout, the things we wanted to buy and do first before suiting up later in the con to mingle. “We hadn’t planned to today. Why?”


“Perfect. Bring Dizzy - the con one not… you know - and if you’ve got any photos, you could send em to me and I’ll try to squeeze them on the powerpoint.”


Taking a deep breath I agreed. “Sure thing. Be there at like what, ten to three?”


“That should be plenty of time. Then after the movie we’ll take you two out to dinner, our treat.” He added, sweetening the deal.


“Consider it done. See you before three.” I confirmed. We traded our goodbyes and I stood a moment in concentration.


“Who was that?” Came the disembodied voice of Clara through the door.


“Over. Wants me to talk on a panel.”


“AWESOME!” she cheered back. “The fursuit one?”


“Yeah.” I put the phone back down and walked over to the shower.


“Well hurry up, the breakfast buffet is calling and I’m powerless to resist.”


I turned the shower nozzle to full blast. “Sorry I can’t hear you, the shower is calling and I’m powerless to resist!”




The con was huge. Much bigger than the previous year. Fursuits of all shapes and sizes wandered about, posing for photos and pretending to be chased by kids. Clara and I had come to the understanding that for the morning at least her younger aspects would be out, and for me to just humour them. So there was lots of suit hugging, photos, and con-merch purchased. By the time we were headed into the first panel Clara had herself a panther beanie with long flaps that ended in a pair of clawed mittens, a lanyon covered in several badges drawn on the fly of her blue and purple feline fursona, a purple cat tail held on to her pants via velcro straps and elastic, and several bags of random toys, books, DVDs and flyers.


As we sat down I felt Clara’s demeanour change. I had the panadol and water ready. “Wow. That was an experience.” She said, downing the pills and half the bottle to re-hydrate.


“The little ones seemed to have a good time.” I chuckled, patting her on the knee. “With your bank card at the very least.” I added as she tried to maneuver the bags into a better position for her feet to fit.


“You’re not wrong. Wasn’t expecting to spend that much so quickly.” She admitted, a little red faced.


“Meh, don’t worry about it. There’s plenty of con left, but once you’ve cleared the initial walkthrough of stalls, you’re pretty safe.” I thought a moment, remembering back to other cons. “Well, except maybe the Auction.”


“Auction?” The lights dimmed as everyone's focus went to the stage.

“I’ll tell you later.” I whispered, patting her on the knee again before returning my hand to my own lap.



As the lights came up from the second panel Clara was sitting a little more wide-eyed than I’d expected. “Yeah, it runs a little deeper than just nineties kids saying ‘Lola Bunny makes me feel things’.” I stretched, spying Overwulf and Shaede a few rows back. We waved at each other as they made their way through the throng. Clara turned to look at who I was waving to and blushed when she saw them. “Hey guys, how’s it going?


Over grinned, patting me on the shoulder “Going well mah-man, going well.” He nodded to Clara then looked at me sideways with hesitance.


I remembered my manners, and the formalities of everything. “Overwulf, Shaede, this is my good friend Clara.” They each held out a hand to shake and Clara did so in turn.


“I take it Des has told you about… me?” Shaede nodded, a look of slight concern on her face. Clara noticed and tried to address it. “I’m the primary, the others are… in the back seat.” Over breathed a sigh of relief, glad he wasn’t sparking anything bad in their greeting.


“We actually wanted to talk to you about that.” Shaede said, glancing at me briefly. “Without Des if that was okay.” 


Clara gave me a puzzled shrug. “Don’t look at me.” I offered, hands raised. “Your choice.” She looked between Over and Shaede before nodding hesitantly.


“Wonderful. Des said you were going to see Robin Hood later? After that maybe we can grab some coffee before dinner, and Des can have a wander around.” She said suggestively.


I picked up on it smiling. “There are a few stalls I wanted to check out but the young ones were a bit of a handful.” Clara nodded, an uncertain grin upon her face. I checked my watch. “Oh, crap.” Over checked his as well and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll dash back up to the suite and grab my suit, you okay chilling with Over and Shaede?” Clara nodded again, taking a deep breath. I wasn’t sure why but she seemed so nervous around these two. I had to reason it was due to the previous night’s antics. Or maybe Désirée was making a disturbance in the back seat.


Whatever it was, it was soon out of mind as I quickly made my way back to the room and acquired both suits. It took a little longer than expected and with barely a minute to spare I made it to the panel. Over pointed out where to park the suitcase - which was obvious given several other suitcases and boxes piled to the side of the stage - and showed me to my seat. Somehow he’d managed to organise to get my name printed on the placard in front rather than just scribbled on last minute with a marker. I spied Clara in the front row and gave her a quick wave before everything began.


“Okay folks!” Overwulf called to the crowd, their voices dimming to silence. “Welcome to Fursuit Creation 101: An Amateur's Guide to Fursuit Construction.” There was a brief round of applause. “Joining us today we have Firemane,” Some of the crowd cheered before realising they should wait to the end “Kevin Allbright, Shaede,” a few raucous cheers rose up from the back of the room, but they were stared down by Shaede herself “Dizzy Desmond - who is filling in for Blue-Back Dragon - and myself, Overwulf.”


“We’ll introduce ourselves, show off our suits and give a brief run down of how we made them and what we wanted to focus on. That should take us the best part of a half hour.” He nodded at the rest of the panel members, and we gestured our agreement back. “And after that we’ll open it up to the floor for questions. Righty, let’s start with you Firemane.”


Each of the panelists in turn gave their description of their fursuits, accompanied by photos on the massive screen above. This room would be used for the Robin Hood screening in just an hour's time and given the cinematic setup, I could understand why. Firemane’s description was pretty standard, describing how to start with a head, then turn it into a partial, then keep adding more parts until you have a full costume. Kevin was next and gave an almost opposite description of his process, starting with a onesie and adding padding and fur over the top until it was the right shape, then building a head last. 


Shaede’s speech got probably the most enraptured attention as her description of how to design and fit tight latex and leather straps was bondage fuel for some of the audience. She made sure however to keep the actual discussion and description clean, but you can’t control folks imagination. Overwulf was about to hand over to me when he realised he’d added my photos to the end of the powerpoint and after we all had a bit of a laugh he apologised and went ahead, describing his use of dollar-store optic fibre lights wired to an arduino in his suit’s head. The head/body connection wire was a custom made magnetic one, allowing it to be snapped on and off without damaging the system.


When it came to me I described my own method of suit creation, vastly different from the others. Tracing a pattern from tight fitting but non-stretchy clothes, I tailored my suits to the wearer. Because of the gruffness of the bear, I was able to turn the back ‘hunch’ into a pocket for a camel pack. I could see a lot of the audience taking notes as I described buying dollar store ‘leather’ gloves and deconstructing them for the pattern, along with using a sharpie to blacken the fur in parts around the face to fake depth in parts I couldn’t sculpt finely enough. Lastly I removed the fur from the bear’s head - something the others were unable to do either due to complexity or using hot glue to keep it attached - and showed the jaw hinge system and how it worked to amplify my own movements.


By the time I was done it was bang-on three thirty, and Over turned the mic over to the Audience. Several questions went by asking Shaede about what grade of latex was best or Overwulf various Arduino programming concerns. But eventually the question was asked as to who could put their suit on the fastest. All of us laughed, but when the crowd began cheering us on we knew it had to be done. 


First, Overwulf checked the audience, looking for particularly young children, but couldn’t spot any. Next he asked if anyone didn’t want to see the race, and no hands went up. Clara was looking at the three people on stage that she knew, grinning and blushing. Then Over got the techs to lower the screen to knee height and all five of us walked behind it. Placing our suits on the ground next to us, heads pointed out towards the audience, we stood waiting as they counted down. Once the cacophony reached ‘Go’, there was madness.


Pants and shirts were flung to the floor, with wolf whistles and shouts of approval coming from the crowd on the other side of the curtain. “I can’t believe I’m doing this…” I chuckled, last to my boxers due to a stubborn belt and shaking fingers. But as I grabbed the waist of my suit I realised I had the clear advantage. Everyone else had either many separate pieces, or very complex rigging mechanisms beneath the surface. Even Kevin - who had designed his off a onesie - had to readjust his foam inserts as he hurriedly tried to pull his suit on. I’d sewn the edge of each piece of foam onto my suit, not just glued. And with a couple swift tugs of fabric I was complete to the waist. 


Shaede was furthest behind, having to strip to her underwear to practically roll the latex on inch by inch. I’m sure some sort of talcum powder would have made the job easier, but she was focused on going as fast as possible. I turned my attention back to the task at hand and quickly shuffled into the arms of the suit. Once on it was an easy matter of zipping up either side of my chest. I preferred a zipper on each side as opposed to one down the middle, as I was able to hide the seam a little easier. Zipped to my neck I grabbed my head, much to the gasp of the crowd as I was the first to go for it. My head was a little troublesome to get on, as it was a tight fit. But once on, and the chinstrap in place, I only had the gloves left.


My gloves were attached with velcro - similar to Désirée’s - but made before I trusted that material as much as I did. Looping a small band of elastic around a flush plastic hook on my sleeve, I was able to line the white velcro up properly; the glove resting under an elasticated arm cuff. I did a quick flex before brushing down the arm fur to hide that seam then looking to the others; Over picking his head up, Kevin putting his gloves on before his head, Firemane still fiddling with his groin zipper and Shaede barely having gotten the lower half on. I grinned, walked to the back of the stage and ran for the screen.


Dropping to my padded knees I slid under the bottom boom of the screen like a soccer player having just scored a goal; arms outstretched with both hands giving the rock’n’roll ‘devil horns’ to the crowd’s amusement. A cheer rang up at my victory, followed by another at Kevin’s appearance, the red panda struggling to duck under the screen without falling over. Then Over stepped around the side, picked up the mic and pointed at me. “Showoff!” He growled cheekily as the crowd laughed. Then he turned around whipping his arms out to the side as he struck a pose, the arduino’s connected accelerometer sensing the quick movement and flashing the optic fiber in response. 


The crowd cheered again as we heard Shaede shout from behind the screen “Showoff!” After a couple minutes and a clapping chant, Firemane was next out. He flexed for the crowd, the wings of his orange draconic form spreading mechanically behind him. It was a rather wonderful thing to watch, the many, many sequins glittering in the stage lighting. He was followed a few seconds later by Shaede, who’s sultry gait brought about another round of wolf whistles as the five of us walked to the front of the stage. After a minute or so of modelling our suits to the audience, changing spots on stage so folks could see each one a bit closer, we went back to our seats; Firemane choosing to sit on the chair backwards so his wings wouldn’t get caught.


The floor then opened up for more questions, and eventually a woman wearing black-and-white spotted cow ears and tiny matching horns took the mic, and proceeded to ask a question that completely stumped me. “Why do you suit?”


Over looked to the other panelists, unable to gauge our reactions through our animalistic visages. Fortunately Firemane was the first to respond unprompted. “Because its fun! How often do you get the chance to walk into a room, dressed head to toe in sequins, roar and have the room applaud rather than call the police?” The crowd laughed, turning to look at Kevin. 


He coughed a little, clearing his throat. “I- I dunno, it’s fun. I guess. And you get to meet people, everyone’s so friendly.” He coughed again as I wondered if he didn’t have a way to drink the bottle of water in front of him. When he was showing off his head earlier it was clear the jaw didn’t move, so I assumed he must have used long straws. “Everyone wants to take a photo with you, it’s… nice.”


Shaede was next and she just leaned forward, almost eating the microphone when she softly spoke “I love latex and leather.” The crowd whooped their approval as she paused to soak up the atmosphere. “And honestly, I like being noticed. I like the attention. It’s self affirming.”


Eyes turned to Overwulf. He took a breath, chuckling. “I had an idea, I wanted to take suiting past what I’d seen it could be. So I combined my love of electronics with my love of the fandom and made this.” He spread his arms wide, the move once more altering the pattern of undulating lights. “Not all suits have to be just fur and foam, like Shaede’s and Firemanes.” He said, seemingly realising mid-way through the sentence that there were others on the panel. “Not that you can’t have a good suit otherwise, I just wanted to push the boundaries, so others might too.” Hoping he dodged a bullet Over leaned back in his chair.


And then everyone’s eyes were on me. What to say? My mind was both racing and at a standstill. But seeing Clara smiling from the front row helped snap me out of it. “This wasn’t my first suit.” I looked out to the sea of faces, all waiting for me to continue. “My first suit was a white rabbit for an Alice in Wonderland themed party. I looked up some tutorials online, bought a dozen really soft fur cushion covers from CostCo, a really long zipper and tore apart an old couch for some foam. It took a couple weeks but when it was done I had a white rabbit costume. I threw on an old vest of mine, some spectacles made from a wire coat hanger spray-painted gold and a cheap, brass-looking pocketwatch.”


“I was really nervous at first. But everyone at the party loved it. By the end of the night, I had a dozen drunk people stroking and petting me because of the fluffiness of the fur and it felt amazing! This was before I looked into under-armour and the like, so it was a weird thing where the fur being brushed and pat was delivering that sensation to my hairs and skin.” Over was giving me a cautious stare and I concentrated to make sure it stayed PG, but I could tell by the glistening in Shaede’s eyes she was having different thoughts. “After the party I immediately checked online to see if I was the only one that found the experience so exhilarating, and I found this community. I’d written so many stories as a kid of becoming - what I was now discovering was called - an Anthromorph and travelling a world populated with others like that. I’d drawn myself as a tiger, a bunny, a hound, but it was always the Bear that I felt was right.”

I took a swig from the water bottle in front of me, downing about half of it while looking as though I were eating the thing because of the way the jaw opened up. Swallowing, I continued. “I noticed this con - uh, this convention, but the one a few years back - saw it advertised and decided to create a suit for it. I was going to make my fursona, Dizzy. And after weeks of hard work, it was ready for the first day of the con. Literally finished it that Friday at 2am. I wore it and it felt great. Everything these guys mentioned-” I gestured to the other panellists “and more. It was so… freeing. And somewhere during the day, the line between ‘Desmond wearing a bear suit’ and ‘Dizzy the Polar Bear’ blurred.”


I took another sip of water before turning to the person who asked the question. “To answer your question, I don’t ‘suit’, per se. Either Desmond is walking around, or Dizzy is. One takes a back seat to the other. Dizzy doesn’t have to worry about taxes, or what he’s doing later or anything like that. He’s just free to live in the moment.” I took a deep breath and gestured back to  Overwulf who checked his watch. Thanking everyone for coming he had the five of us stand for some applause before heading backstage to grab our stuff.


“Damn dude.” Shade said, slapping me on the back. “Sure you don’t have that Dissociative thing too?”


I laughed, turning to face her. “Don’t we all?” The concept of having one’s fursona separate from their persona was an interesting one. But through forums and meetups I’d managed to find just as many folks who see it as two sides of the same coin versus those who feel more like their fursona is trapped inside the wrong body. At several points I’d considered writing an essay on it, but then I realised how much time that would take and abandoned the idea almost immediately.


“That was great!” Clara shouted as she was led behind the screen by Over. “How you doing?” she asked generally, but was looking at me.


“Bit nerve wracking. Haven’t done a talk in front of a group like that since high school.” I chuckled, downing the last of the water from my bottle before tossing it into the bin off to the side, backstage. “But it seemed to go well.”


“That last bit was great!” Over merrily added, beginning to strip down alongside Shaede. “Did you know we were recording?” I froze, going pale. “Well, do you mind if I upload that last question to the con’s channel? Kinda encapsulated what a lot of us feel.”


“Uh, sure, I guess.” I muttered, not sure at all as I removed Dizzy’s head. Taking a deep breath of fresh air I placed it on the ground and began undoing the various clasps, velcro and zippers. “If you want. I mean, I’d love a copy at least.” My mind flashed back to the previous night. “And a copy of-”


“Don’t worry,” Shade grinned wickedly at me “not gonna let you go without a copy of ‘that’...”


Trying to change the subject, I turned back to Clara “So has John called? When’s he getting in?”


Clara looked a little annoyed at being asked this in the presence of others. “Well, it’s looking like tomorrow night, assuming the board doesn’t get bogged down.”


I thought about the extra ticket and an idea struck. “So, are you two going to stick around for the movie?” I asked, pulling off the suit and looking for my pants.


Shade gave Overwulf a semi-playful punch. “We would,” she said as Over rubbed his shoulder with a smile “If doofus here didn’t forget to book the ticket.”


“Figured as I’m helping organise this thing I can sneak in and take one of the spare seats.” He grinned cheekily. 


“You know we shouldn’t do that.” Shade grumbled, rolling the latex down her legs. It was an amazingly sensual thing to watch, with all of us backstage staring at the display.


Snapping myself out of it I resumed my train of thought. “Weeeell, I have three tickets. I really didn’t get much of a chance to wander around earlier, so if it’s okay with Clara…” I looked to her and she nodded, a little suspicious of my motives. “Hey, don’t look at me like that.” I joked. “I just think there’s more than an hours worth of wandering that I’d like to do. But only if the little ones would be okay with these two.” She looked at the semi-naked pair then back to me, eyebrow raised. “I can always go tomorrow, no dramas. But figured as you’d be headed out after with them anyway…”


“Sure.” Clara said, shaking her head. “Just gotta give me a minute to introduce them.” She handed me the bags, then ruffled through one to pull out a plush, multicoloured beetle. “Before you go wandering, or after or whatever, could you take those back to the room?” I nodded, gesturing for Shaede and Over to watch what would happen next. Clara closed her eyes, body slumping a little as her eyes flitted around beneath the lids like a manic REM phase before opening again. She looked at the two adults she’d not seen before and took a step behind me, holding my hand.


“Okay Anne. These two people are Shaede,” I gestured to the now-dressed woman smiling sheepishly to one side “And Overwulf,” and pointed out the tall, well built guy holding the fluffy wolf paws of his costume “But everyone just calls him Over.”


“Call him over where?” Anne asked straight faced before a small crack of a smile began to show.


“She’s a funny one.” Over chuckled slapping me on the shoulder. He knelt down to be a little below eye-level, and held out his hand. “Anne, is it?” She nodded. “Pleasure to meet you.”


Shaede also walked over and offered a hand. “Anne with an ‘E’?” Anne nodded again. “Like the book.”


“You’ve read it too?” She asked, beaming. “It’s one of my favourites!”


“It’s a great book.” Shaede grinned, reaching out to take Anne’s hand before thrusting her costume into Overs with the other. Then she turned to me, hand held upright expectantly. I dumped Dizzy to the floor and whipped out my wallet, removing the three tickets and handing them over. “Thank you.” She said politely.

“Okay Anne,” I said softly. “Shaede and Over are gonna watch the movie with you.” She pouted a little before nodding with a tinge of sadness in her downturned eyes. I put my hand on hers and squeezed a little. “I wanted a bit of time to get something special for Clara.”


Her eyes lit up. “And me?” 


Teasingly I gave her a suspicious glare “Maaaybe… It depends on whether you behave for our friends.” I slapped Over on the back. “Both Clara and Désirée trust these two. It’s okay. And if you need to, you can always call me, remember?” I pulled out my phone and she nodded in response.


“Okay, we’re gonna find our seats.” Shaede said happily, leading Anne away. “See you later.” She waved, prompting Anne to wave as well.


“That was… creepy.” Over said, wide eyed as the other two disappeared around the front of the screen.


“Yeah, you have no idea.” I muttered half-joking as I dragged the costume back to its case. I realised I should probably give him a heads up for what to expect. Carefully folding the body, I cleared my throat to get Over’s attention. “So, the girls will take turns in the driver's seat. The five main ones that come out are-”


“Five?” Over interrupted, a little taken aback.


“Yep. Five.” I padded the ivory-coloured fur down before placing the foam-filled head on top. 


“Main ones?”


I sighed. “You’ve met Clara - the primary - Anne and Désirée. There’s also Tess and Jo.”


“Clara, Anne, Tess, Jo and Désirée.” He repeated, trying to memorise their names.


“Clara and Désirée technically share the same ‘age’. Anne we’ve managed to figure out is about seven, Tess is about ten, and Jo-” 


“Age?” I huffed a little at the constant interruption, but I understood his confusion. “I mean, do they think they’re younger?”


“Not gonna go into details, but Clara suffered some… trauma, when she was a kid. Started about age seven, near as we can tell. Kids that age haven’t developed their sense of self yet, they’re kinda a mix of a bunch of different personalities that all identify as one. Like a hive mind.”

“You’re supposed to make it less creepy.” He mumbled, stowing Shaede’s costume carefully inside her case.


“Hey, we all go through it. But as we grow older, those personalities kinda fuse together into who we are. Well, sometimes trauma will cause a permanent split. That personality - we call them ‘aspects’ - hid from the rest. Showed up a few years ago for the first time and wreaked havoc on Clara’s mind. Y’see, Clara had forgotten anything had happened back then.”


“How do you forget something so major it broke your personality?” Over mused aloud. “I mean, I’ve suppressed - repressed? - memories of stuff I don’t like, but still.”

I sighed. “Tess.” He looked at me confused. “Tess is the aspect that dealt with the final… encounter.” Over’s eyes looked puzzled before going wide. “She didn’t want the others to remember, so she took a lot of the memories and left.” He was open mouthed in shock now. I could see the question slowly revolving in his mind so I answered it for him “Jo was the aspect Tess trusted with knowing that she was holding a secret, but didn’t tell her what it was. Only let her feel enough of it to know to make sure Clara avoided certain things.”


“So…” Overwulf took a few deep breaths, absorbing what he could as fast as he could, the techies rearranging speakers for the show as the sound of the crowd on the other side of the screen grew. Kevin and Firemane both finished their conversation and waved goodbye to the two of us. “See ya.” we waved back before Over turned to me again. “So you said Tess was ten? And Anne seven.” I nodded. “And Jo?”


“A foul-mouthed, teenage tomboy.” I sarcastically mumbled. “Clara was in a car accident back in the 90’s, Jo was kinda pushed into the drivers seat - of her mind, not the car - and forced to deal with the pain and shock and everything else. Then Clara took back control when the meds kicked in. Never really forgave her. Technically sat brooding at the back of her mind until she was forced back out again by a car crash a few years back. That’s what started everything up again. Jo, Tess, Anne. There’s a dozen more, some from back then, some more recent. Some split from others, it’s all very very… intense.”


“By recent, you mean like Désirée?” Over asked, zipping his case up and stacking Shaede’s on top.


“Désirée’s the most recent. She popped out about a few weeks ago, but she’d been slowly formed over the last couple months.” Over was giving me the ‘how the hell’ expression, so I continued, motioning us over to the side to let the techies access the screen. In a more hushed tone I continued. “Long story short, as far as I can tell she’s a part of Clara’s libido. Clara felt certain things when I was designing Désirée as something fun to do. We got talking about the fandom, she was interested in a suit so I made her one. Putting the suit on brought Désirée out in full and that’s the only way she feels truly comfortable. Though,” I remembered back to when I exhausted Désirée and got Clara to bed “Désirée can speak through Clara, it just might give her a bit of a headache.”


“I can imagine, having all those folks in there.” Over chuckled, still amazed at all the things I’d revealed.


“Look, one last thing.” I said before he made his way around the screen. He nodded, glancing into the crowd to see if he could spot Shaede, then giving a wave once he had. “If another aspect comes out, or if she gets a headache, there’s a blue container that she carries around with some panadeine in. If it’s a migraine though, you’ll need to give her a wafer; it’s a thin penny-sized thing in a foil blister. It tastes real nasty though, so have some chocolate or cola on hand to wash it down.”

“Blue container, pills, got it.” He nodded, brain full of things. 


“Hey,” I called after him as he turned away “I need to drop this off at my room, I can take yours and Shaede’s too. They can stay there until we’re all done from dinner. Saves you lugging them around all afternoon.” 


Over looked at the cases then back to me. “You’re trusting us with your friend, I’m sure I can trust you with these.” He said, sighing deeply. “But just so you know, this is a first for me.”


I looked him square in the eye. “Straight back to the room, I swear. They’ll be safe.” He nodded, still seemingly a little unsure before shuffling down the side of the stage and into the audience to sit with Shaede and Anne. Sighing I sized up the three cases and a decent sized pile of Clara’s bags, realising dragging them all back to the room would not be as easy as I thought.


Twenty minutes of careful navigation around the convention and I’d made it to the hotel. Several minutes more and I had all three cases stowed in Clara’s and my room. A wave of relief washed over me as I realised I now had about an hour and a half to check over the main sellers floor, and another half hour beyond that to wander around after the floor closes to the public.


I hurried back down and began my strategic wanderings. Row by row I went through the Artist Sideshow, admiring the amazing skill behind the paintings, sketches, comics and occasional suit-makers. I managed to find the person who designed the plush bug Anne was so fond of, and bought the matching backpack. 


One of the tech stalls had a pair of headphones with LED-lit speakers inside faux-cat-ears that jutted out from the top of the headband. The actual headphone section I recognised as a decent brand, so picked them up for Jo. I thought Tess might be a hard person to buy for, but when I spotted a sparkly glass pencil-holder I knew she’d love it. It had a rather ingenious lever system built in where you loaded the pencil from the back and it would slide through the glass grip, but little ridges and a small metal clip would prevent it from being pushed back up into the holder. The glass itself was a bubbly turquoise with an iridescent pinkish purple swirled throughout.


As the time drew nearer to six - closing time - I noticed an area at the back of the hall marked off by black curtains. Making my way over, a security guard eyed me up and down briefly before waving me through. ‘Was he checking my age?’ I thought, happy I didn’t have to show ID but taking a small ego hit for looking old enough. Clara would have been carded, I had no doubt.


Beyond the curtain was a hallway with arrows indicating the way to go. But several doors down  the side of the main entertainment center, it opened up into a decent sized space full of adult wares. Had I been less jaded I may have gasped, but as it was I just muttered “So this is where you’re all hiding.” The last few cons hadn’t had this area, some of the sellers able to use the main space as long as anything too lewd were out of sight and sold in opaque bags. But after someone underage was caught with certain ‘magazines’, it was decided to separate them.

I scanned the stalls from the entrance. There was a leatherworker with harnesses, cuffs, collars and the like. I took mental note of that one. Next to them a costumer, with all sorts of fursuit-friendly outfits, including neglige. Several ‘toy’ salesmen and women were dotted throughout, with some fantastic animalistic dildos on display, among other things. One of the ‘inflatables’ stores from the main hall had a presence here too, though specifically advertising their products having appropriately fuckable modifications made.


Stall after stall was filled with magazines, toys, whips, restraints, there were even several computer games and animation studios raising awareness for kickstarters, early access and the like. I didn’t know where to begin. Then I heard a whistle and turned to find it’s source. It took a second but I eventually spotted a woman with plush cow ears and horns waving at me. As I walked over I realised she was the one who’d asked the question ‘Why do you suit’ to the panel I was on. “Heya, Dizzy, right?”


“Right now, Desmond.” I smiled, offering my hand.


Instead she threw her arms wide and leapt in for a hug. I couldn’t say no, she seemed so cheerful. She was shorter than I, and a bit larger but she carried herself very well. However her look was all in her smile. I remembered it stood out to me at the Panel. It just felt so... genuine. Her eyes sparkled as well, though with innocence or mischief I couldn’t rightly tell. But I could tell that under the surface she had some decent muscles on her, given how hard she was hugging me.


With her arms around my neck, and a decent height difference between the two of us I lifted her into the air and hugged tight, swinging her a little left to right before putting her back down. “Woah…” She wheezed, steadying herself. “No wonder you went with a bear.” Taking my hand this time, she firmly shook it. “Danielle. But you can call me Dani. Unless I’m in suit, then it’s Elle.”

“Easy enough to remember, so let’s see how terrible my memory is.” I chuckled, stepping with her to what I assumed was her stall. “That was a tough question you asked, by the way.”

“”Seems like your memory works just fine.” She laughed, stepping back behind the table, but offering for me to take a fold-out chair to the side. “I really liked your answer.”

“Glad I could… answer correctly?” I started, realising there was nowhere to go with that sentence before abandoning it. “I mean, it’s how I feel. I mean, why do you? Suit?”


Dani didn’t hesitate “You nailed it. I’m Dani. This,” She pulled out a big fluffy and rather cartoony cow head from behind the table “is Elle.” I eyed the head, appreciating the craftsmanship. “I’m not her, she’s not me. But we are each other. Most people don’t get it, but I feel after what you said up there that you do.”


“Way more than you realise.” I grinned, shaking my head a little. “So, your stall?” I looked at it properly. The stall space itself was taken up mostly by a curtained-off area behind the table. On the table was a selection of silicone dildos and sheaths of all different shapes, sizes and colours. Up the opposite end was what appeared to be a rather phallic looking candle next to a plaster cast of a penis followed by a horse cock, all laid out in order. Otherwise everything was arranged in rows of species, colours and a small box of ‘randoms’.


“Yep. I make Silicone Sex Aids. Specifically of the phallic variety, though I’ve had enough requests just from today for penetrables that I may be changing things up next year.” She smiled, blushing a little. “Want a nice big bear cock to go with that suit?” She waggled her eyebrows, laughing.


“Shit yes!” I responded, taking her back a bit. “Everywhere online is all about dogs, horses, dragons and aliens.”


“Shit, wow. I mean, do you… in that suit?...” She asked, wide eyed.


“Not really.” I admit with a sigh. “I made a second suit for that.” 


Dani nodded in admiration. “So would you be after a sheath or a dildo?” She asked, seemingly more hopeful for the former. She was lucky, as that’s exactly what I was after.

“Sheath. Definitely.”

“Come.” Dani grabbed my hand and pulled me through the curtains, only stopping to put a ‘press buzzer for service’ sign on the table. She guided me over to a massage table with a conspicuous hole cut out of the bottom. “So, do you want a tailored fit or an average fit?”


“What’s the difference?” I asked cautiously.

“Well, the tailored fit takes the whole shape of your member into account, while the average is just based off a plastic tube I push into the mould.”


I thought about it and realised a snug fit might be better at staying on. And given the amount of natural lube Désirée was capable of, having that extra bit of grip might be useful. “Lets go the tailored fit. Why not.”


“Right then,” Dani grinned, slapping the padded table. “Jocks off and up you get.”


“UH!!!” I blurted, not sure what to do.


“I’ll be live-casting your baby bear, so to speak. It’s a non-toxic putty. Looks like wax, sets in a matter of seconds and only gets a little warm in the process, unlike some other resins, plasters and rubbers that can get quite… hot.” She slapped the table again. “C’mon, I don’t have all afternoon.” She eyed me hungrily “Wish I did though.” She bit her bottom lip before heading back out the front.


“In for a penny…” I sighed, quickly stripping myself before getting up on the table. Laying atop it I realised the combination of air conditioning in here and the slight embarrassment about being so public had the opposite effect on my ‘baby bear’ than I’d have liked. I tried thinking of Désirée. That helped. Then I thought of Clara, bound up on her bed moaning Dizzy’s name. That… didn’t help as much as I’d hoped. By the time Dani came back in with two small tubs in hand she could see my worried expression.

“Ah, the air conditioning.” She grumbled. “Sorry, it’s been  frustrating me all day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad this place doesn’t smell like some sort of bar room toilet, but it’s caused me all sorts of problems.” She eyed me off though, and I could see some metaphorical cogs whirring inside. “Well, to be a snug fit, it’s gotta be the right size.” She placed the tubs on the floor and scooted underneath.


I was about to question but before I could I felt two warm lips suck me into their hungry mouth. “Uhhhnnn..” I moaned, sucking in a lungful of air  at the intense sensation. I could feel myself throbbing inside Dani’s mouth as she reached up with one hand and firmly massaged my balls. “Oh God!” It wasn’t loud, I was trying very hard to stay as quiet as possible, but I could feel Dani chuckle at my vocalisations, which only made me whimper all the more. I was unable to see what she was doing, all I could see were her knees directly below the open hole for my head.


Dani swirled my ever-lengthening cock around her mouth, tongue curling over and under, licking up and down as she toyed with me. After close to a minute of this she pulled away. “Damn Desmond, you’re not bad.” I blushed, assuming - and hoping - she was referring to my size. “Most guys want a sheath as an extension. You’re the biggest guy I’ve had in, in a long time.” 


“I’m sure you say that to all the Bears.” I muttered, my member still growing with each throb thanks to the bursts of hot air from Dani’s mouth assaulting it with every word. I was expecting a witty response, but instead she dove back down. This time, taking my cock all the way to the back of her throat before pulling off and giving me a few strokes with her hand.


“I-” She swallowed, jacking me off hard a few more times. “I don’t do this. I don’t. But…” She kissed the shaft, her hot lips wrapping around it before her tongue licked along its length to the tip. I grunted. “Fuck. Look. I’ll work on this overnight, push it up the list. You staying at the hotel?”


“Huh, huh, huh…” I panted, her hands getting back to keeping me hard while covering my cock in something slippery and thick. “Yeah. Yeah. I am.” I tried to control my breathing, but it was hard with expert hands edging me closer to orgasm. Until they both let go.


“Right. I’ll finish this overnight, you come to my room in the morning. Say eight.” Suddenly I felt a warmth envelop my cock. It kept going and going until even my pelvis felt the subtle liquid heat. Then my balls were manipulated, coated in the substance before Dani slid back out from under me. She could see the look of need on my face and whispered “In five minutes I’ll be back to get ‘it’ off.” A little sigh escaped her lips as she pulled away, stepping to the front of her stall through the curtains.


It was the longest five minutes of my life. Balls deep in an unknown goo, half-naked while only feet away from hundreds of horny furries, and mind racing with what Dani would have in store for me come morning. Somewhere I could hear a clock. I think that made it worse. The ticking. The constant ticking. I tried counting them, and I swear I passed five minutes multiple times over but I was still very hard and with each twitch I could tell the putty hadn’t set. 


But eventually my throbbing was met with strong resistance and the warmth died down, allowing me to deflate enough to break the seal on whatever was holding me in. I let out a sigh of  relief, seemingly catching Dani’s notice. “All done?” she called.


“I think so?” I replied, my balls still trapped within the cast.


“Excellent.” She exclaimed, striding in through the curtain and disappearing under the table. I could feel her hands massaging the outside of my testicular prison, the action slowly separating my sack from the semi-hard putty. The sensation was rapidly getting me hard again but before I could form a proper seal Dani pulled off the cast with a quick jerk. 


“Fuck!” I groaned, my cock free to bob in the cool air once more. I laughed. “Well that was a unique experience.”


I heard the sound of Dani shuffling beneath me. “It’s not over yet. Can’t have you leave covered in a separation agent.” Once more, before I could react her mouth was upon me. My whole cock swallowed in one deep suck, her tongue assaulting the underside of my shaft as I lurched on the table.


“Dani…” I moaned, causing her to suckle all the more passionately. With teeth lightly grazing the shaft all the way to the tip, the cow-eared woman leaned up and practically inhaled my balls. “Oh fuck, Dani…” my moans were becoming more breathy as she hummed. The reverberations were heavenly, sending shivers bouncing through my body like I’d just gotten a ‘multiball’ at the arcade. Her tongue lavished each one with praise, gently circling its entirety as she lapped up every last creamy drop of the non-toxic separation agent. “Dani, I’m-”


No sooner were those words out of my mouth than she abandoned my balls and dove back down on my cock, taking it to the hilt and sucking hard.


I lost it. Sparkles wrapped in around my eyes as the universe burst into light. My release was like opening a flood gate I never knew I had. Thick ropes of jism crashed against Dani’s throat, powerful muscles milking my seed, pulling it to her hungry belly. A hand slid up against my balls and squeezed gently, eliciting a guttural moan from my mouth and another volley of seed from my cock. I didn’t need to buck into her waiting maw, she was doing that herself. My mind flashed briefly to the image of a calf unable to get milk from an empty udder so resorting to bashing it’s muzzle against the teats; either in frustration or in an effort to squeeze out one last drop.


Dani was doing that to me. After a few thuds into my pelvis, she withdrew, smacking her lips. “Oh Des… Holy shit, man…” She burped, giggling as her buzzer out front went off. “Talk about timing!” She grunted, standing. Dani groped my arse on the way by. “Better get dressed.”


I did as she suggested, though getting down from the table proved my legs were way more wonky than I assumed. I took a moment to gather myself before ensuring my pants were done up right and my clothes were in order. Grabbing the few bags of stuff I’d bought, I poked my head out of the curtain. Dani was just finishing the sale of one of her pre-made canine dildos to a guy that I swore looked like he walked in straight out of a western. Before his glare could burn a hole through me I just politely saluted and stepped around the counter. “So uh, pick it up around eight, you said?” 


Dani blinked a few times before the understanding hit her. “Oh, yeah.” She turned back to the gentlemen in the ten gallon hat. “Thank you sir, have a good one” Then pulling a business card from her bra, she scrawled a number on it: 508 “Eight should be fine.”


“See you then.” I said, blushing as I stepped back out into the hustle and bustle.


“Bring the suit!” I heard Dani shout over the din. Before I took another step I’d set a reminder in my phone. Damned if I was gonna forget that.

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